About Us


More About Adrian's World Inc

Welcome to Adrian’s World, My name is Felicia Guzman and I’m the CEO/Founder of this great organization. We know first hand the challenges that come with raising a child with special needs. Like many of you, I wear several hats in my life.

I’m a wife to my amazing husband of 10 years( Adrian), mother of two beautiful children (Malia 14, Adrian 9) and by night I’m a Licensed Vocational Nurse.

Our story started 6 years ago, when our son Adrian was diagnosed with autism/sensory processing disorder. The day we received his diagnosis was a hard day for us as a family. We weren’t familiar with autism and wasn’t sure if we were prepared to provide him with the tools that he needed. There is no manual or rulebook for the path that was ahead.

As a mother, I wanted to make a difference in his life and educate myself to prepare for our new normal. A year after his diagnosis I started a position at Pomona Unified School District as a paraeducator for Special Education.

The next 3 years of my life would change me forever. Through my experience I gained an overwhelming passion for the special needs community.

Our journey didn’t get easier but it became more rewarding. We have learned to celebrate the small victories because they turn into big ones. We take our faith, love and strive to do our best.

Throughout our process we realize that many parent/caregivers like ourselves often forget to take care of themselves because of our overwhelming commitment to our children’s quality of life.

That’s where the vision for “Adrian‘s World” was born, we here at Adrian‘s World know the everyday storms that parents like us face and we are committed to being an anchor.

We dedicated our lives to walking in God‘s purpose and our goal is to assist families like us with information and resources that will uplift the family as a whole.

We are committed to providing exceptional service and support to all of our clients. We look forward to your partnership with us and we’re excited in making a difference in the community we are a part of and love.

Our board members and staff have decades of experience, both personal and professional, working with families who are caring for a loved one with a cognitive, social, and physical disability.
At Adrian’s World were here to lend a Helping Hand!

We truly believe that by helping our clients to achieve their goals, we are achieving ours.

We believe there is hope and meaning for now and for the future, and the ultimate goal of Adrian's World Inc is to make a difference in the lives of the important people that we come into contact with.